my.SDSU Help

Student Topics

Here are the most popular my.SDSU student help articles. For a complete listing of all student support articles, visit the my.SDSU student support site at

Learn how to use the Mange Classes tile to drop classes.
Direct deposit is an easy way to transfer funds directly to a student's bank account.

Use the Academic Records tile to view and download your unofficial transcript.

Faculty, Advisor, & Staff Topics

Here are the most commonly read my.SDSU help articles for faculty, advisors, and staff. For a complete listing of all support articles, visit the my.SDSU support site at

Learn how to access your Grade Roster, update grades manually or through a Canvas import, and post grades.

A manual grade update is helpful for class sizes under twenty students. Simply use the drop-down menu to apply student grades.

A Canvas Import may be easier for large class sizes. This guide explains the steps in Canvas and my.SDSU.

General Permission Numbers are used for courses that do not require department or instructor consent to register.

This guide reviews how to use the ID Lookup tile in my.SDSU and explain the different identification numbers used at SDSU.

Learn about the Incomplete Grade Process, from starting the Incomplete Grade Agreement, to changing the "I" to the appropriate grade.