Teaching & Learning
Transform teaching and learning with our cutting-edge educational tools. From interactive quizzes and surveys to engaging audience response systems and easy lecture capture, we offer versatile classroom technologies for every teaching style. Enhance course design with our expert instructional services, streamline administration with Canvas, and elevate student writing with Turnitin's focus on originality and integrity.

Use face-to-face or online assessment tools and surveys to measure student knowledge, gauge progress, and gather information from students.

Audience response systems involve all students in class discussions and check understanding to inform classroom instruction.

Set your microphone, start the recording, then at the end of class, simply stop and submit with a click. In less than 24 hours, a movie with your narration, slides, and visuals is ready for your students.

Our classroom technologies fit any teaching style. Faculty can use a built-in computer or their own to connect to the many provided technologies, such as a video projector, doc camera, and more.

We consult with faculty to help redesign online, blended, and face-to-face courses. A redesigned class can save instructors time and energy and improve overall course quality.

Canvas streamlines course management for faculty, offering an online hub for resources and lectures. Its mobile app offers students easy access to their coursework anytime, anywhere.

Turnitin boosts students' writing skills, emphasizing originality, and aids teachers in class management. Its reports promote academic integrity and teach proper citation methods.